Beginning Your Studio7 Training Plan


Step 1:

First, review the options of training plans found on the "Program Options" page and choose the one that fits your best.  Feel free to contact a coach for help and details on which may work best for you. Don’t forget to schedule “face-time” with your coach in the form of a 1-on-1. Get ready…and welcome to the Studio7Multisport team!!


Step 2:

Next, simply click on:  "Athlete Information Questionnaire" The questionnaire is designed to collect critical information and data about you, your strengths, your limits, you history, and your daily life.

It’s important to provide as much detail as possible. Your coach is tailoring a program to your individual talents, work schedule, family time, available time to train, etc. Frequently, we’ll contact you as we begin the construction of your customized training just to get a better “feel” for the medium in which you’ll be training within.


Step 3:

You're on your way!  Once you submit your questionnaire, you will receive a “Welcome” e-mail with your program start date (always on a Monday) and information about the Studio7Multisport Team Member area. Prior to your start-date, you’ll receive a Team Welcome kit that provides you with a training notebook and other cool team and sponsor swag.

Your Coach will contact you shortly.